Graphological Level Jane no longer writes fiction. PHONOLOGICAL FEATURES Hence, a socio-stylistic study of Gabriel Bamgbose's Something Happened After the Rain is undertaken in order to reveal how the poet. items and use of words in a piece of 5.3 Recommendations 2) To what extent are the identified patterns of graphology signifiers of meaning? Graphology is viewed as a linguistic level of analysis that concerns with the study of graphic aspects language. Our choice of words is however unique. Grammatical level includes grammar, parts of Contractions/ contracted forms The origin of style is traceable to the Latin word stilus, meaning a pointed instrument used for writing. endobj However, Lennards (2005) proposal differs from that Levenstons (1992) in its aim and scope. To a large extent, language was then taught also using literary texts which represented a rather attractive option for some L2 learners as contemporary literature was often chosen. How to subdivide triangles into four triangles with Geometry Nodes? All intellectual property rights, including copyright in this publication, except for those attributed to named sources, are owned by the author(s) of . In other words, graphology is to written language what phonology is to spoken language. Graphology is a linguistic level of analysis that comprises the study of graphic aspects of language (1). -Colloquial references They write the words in such a way without any boundaries in lines, space, or rhymes. Required fields are marked *. ), paragraphing, spacing, foregrounding of structures and so on. Spelling, lexical features (1964) were crucial for the expansion of the concept in linguistics and stylistics, they still failed to clarify the elements to be analyzed within this category. As a literary critical term, style denotes a characteristic use of language. Examples Graphological Level, Lexical Level, Grammatical Level, Semantic Level / Discourse Level, Pragmatic Level. figure 1.2, or table 1.1 . word/s Albeit literary stylistics occasionally may involve the rudimentary analysis of the structure and form of a literary text, it however readily employs the use of literary categories in the analysis of the text. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. McIntoshs definition caught on and developed in the sixties and served in its attempt to integrate more levels than the traditional ones when analyzing written texts. Finally, students whose interests are narrowed into the field of linguistic stylistics need an articulate and current work in the field to update their knowledge. In this paper, the graphological features such as capitalization, font-face, colours, punctuation, layout, spelling and paragraphing will be looked at as well as their stylistic relevance to the advert. The syntactic style of the author is chiefly characterised by frequent deviation from English word order. Such levels, Crystal and Davy (1969); Turner (1973); Leech and Short (1981); among other recent scholars such as Alabi (2008); Wales (2011); Khan and Jabeen (2015) observe as being indispensable tools in analyzing a text whether spoken or written. semantic and graphological features includ - ing clefting, sentence and paragraph length and punctuation, vocabulary choice, and use of italics (see Section 3). A Contrastive Analysis of Urdu and English deixis. Stylistics studies and describes the formal features of the text, that is, the levels of expression vis--vis the content, thus bringing out their functional significance for the interpretation of the work. What does "spinning upon the shoals" mean? It has to do with the entire words and phrases of a particular language. All these definitions or descriptions reflect an artificial and ornamental view of style. Verdonk (2002), in his view, defines it as the analysis of a distinctive expression and description of its purpose and effect. 2. In spite of this simplicity, style, technically could imply different things to different people. What's the most energy-efficient way to run a boiler? Singapore 369977. In its application to literary texts, it specifically focuses on the meaning and value attached to the text. According to (Short, 2000), the principle of deviation occurs by employing abnormal forms of language and breaking up the reader's routine behavior; by this, unremarkable views and perspectives are replaced with new and unexpected insights and sensations. % This is evident by the insufficient literature in this discipline. Introduction to Stylistics is a language and style course that will help the students in exploring (primarily literary) texts. language and also describes formal rules This is why the present study specifically addresses how the author communicates meaning through the device of graphology. -nature of vocabulary (use of simple or difficult words, vocabulary is archaic or modern, words used are concrete or abstract), -lexical relations that exists between words (use of synonyms, antonyms, use of unique words, use of borrowed words e.g Kikuyu word in an English text), They include factors that arise from a person. Deviation on the other hand happens to be the sharpest way through which a writer foregrounds his intention and achieves aesthetics. intended meanings and foreshadowing 4.3.6 A Reign of Locusts ( Evidence of foregrounding and other instances of graphology in writing will be investigated in subsequent sections. analysis of text we can know the authors Kenyayote.com uses Cookies to improve your experience. further linguistic or stylistic analysis: 2.3. The importance of graphology in a text is to capture the eye of the reader. physical context of speaker. environment created by the poet in a 2.1.4 Approaches to stylistic analysis In view of these controversies surrounding the concept of graphology, this section of the study provides an in-depth insight into the linguistic nature of this term as well as explaining how the concept has evolved from once being simply analogous to phonology, to later becoming a complete and independent principle comprising many different elements. 2.1.2 Stylistics and its central concerns reader.RANK FREQUENCY WORD FJH; 4.3.1 Yawns and Belches (2018) 2.1.3 Pedagogical Stylistics It is basically concerned with the understanding of technique or the craft of writing. Within stylistics, the original motivation for the work was to examine how stylistic features in fiction can apparently be used to highlight key plot and thematic moments (Emmott, "Reading for Pleasure" and "Responding to Style"), guiding the interpretation of readers at these points. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Equally, the mastery of the various levels of linguistics phonetics/phonology, syntax, semantics and morphology would be unnecessary if the person cannot make a resourceful or creative use of the levels of linguistics mastered. In other words, it is the scientific study of style. 2.3.5 Syntactic Level . Alliteration Eigenvalues of position operator in higher dimensions is vector, not scalar? 3.8 Method of Data Analysis, Chapter Four: DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION There are three major approaches to the study of stylistics, Ogunsiji and Farinde (2013) observe. Secondly, the study provides the students with an overwhelming sensitivity with language use thus, revealing the writers conscious attempt at deviating from the linguistic norm; and also enhancing their in-depth and critical understanding as well as appreciation of texts. meaning, ideas, focuses and This level is often referred to stylistic meaning. They write the words in such a way without any boundaries in lines, space, or rhymes. This study however, postulates the following significance: Firstly, apart from questioning the existing norm of graphological analysis and contributing to knowledge in the field of stylistics, by way of modification of previous models, the knowledge of graphology embedded in this research will assist critics and stylisticians in sharpening their awareness of the stylistic patterning of language, which they will put to extensive use in literary and non-literary texts. However, in recent times, there is more to style than being a pointed instrument used for writing. Van Peer (1993), for instance, considered typographic foregrounding and its evolution as a The graphological level: In this respect, stylistics is interested in how the writer uses the graphic resource of his language to give expression to his ideas and achieve his effects. 3) To identify the pedagogical influences that can be brought to bear by graphology in understanding Ushies poetry? Spoken and written language use different language features compared to written language. language, it studies the sound system. conversations. What does graphological deviation mean in stylistics analysis? This level according to Alabi (2008) is the level of sounds and sounds combination. Punctuations i.e word fixation-compounded words (carbohydrate), suffixes and prefixes, Look at individual words and their pattern of combination As a critical concept, style has been the focus of attention for centuries and has been studied from various perspectives. Kenyayote.com is an Education news site that is dedicated to covering the Education Industry.Copyright 2023 Kenyayote.com . Mark Jayson Zonio Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Stylistics 26.8K views18 slides 25.2K views23 slides 38.8K47 slides 23 slides 20 (20 A style is a certain manner, approach or way in which something is said, . All the rhetorical notions of style, which persisted through many succeeding centuries, hold this dualist view as against the monist one (Leech and Short, 1881, cited in Akwanya, 2006). The concept of graphology as a linguistic level of analysis is particularly prominent in stylistics and multimodality. Style is chiefly linguistic, though in some cases graphological features, the layout or arrangement of text, and even the physical characteristics of a text may contribute to a style. Levenston in his proposal above aligns his thoughts with Firths (1957) model of linguistic description, stressing the significance of graphology like that of other linguistic levels such as phonology, semantics, grammar or lexis for the study of literary texts. In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. Li concludes that . Status affects lexical and grammatical level. 3 5 I. GRAMMATICAL LEVEL figure 1.2, or table 1.1 - It also uses chemical symbols, formulae, like H 2 O, H 2 SO 4, A STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE SYNTACTIC FEATURES AND COHESIVE DEVICES IN THE COLUMNISTS USE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN NIGERIAN NEWSPAPERS ABSTRACT The study was a stylistic analysis of the syntactic features and cohesive devices in the columnists use of language in Nigerian Newspapers. whether the selected stylistic features do indeed capture the attention of readers, in the sense of making them notice more. For example, on the text on the right we can see from the graphological qualities that this text is a newspaper. In systemic functional linguistics, foregrounding refers to a prominent portion of text that contributes meaning, contrasted with the background, which provides relevant context for the . (Wikipedia) while Graphological Deviation: is the deviation in which poets disregard the rules of writing. language in order to know about the End rhyme Alabi made examples of lower case letters, bold print, CAPITALIZATION, italics, underlining as cases of foregrounding. 2.1.7 The Concept of Graphology This confusion with vague meaning may be due to its double filiation, i.e graphology as it concerns the study of writing systems, and as it also concerns character analysis based on handwriting. 2.4 Appraisal of Literature, Chapter Three: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Stylistics being a relatively new and independent linguistic discipline has recorded an innumerable influx of researches and literary assessment by scholars in that field; new theories, concepts, models and principles have also sprung up in the field of stylistics and attempts have in recent times been made by literary critics and stylisticians to apply these emerging theories and principles into the analysis of texts. There are various morphological processes. 2. In the same vein, it is referred to as a level of linguistic analysis which focuses on the layout of texts, the size or shape of words and any other feature that is graphical or orthographical (Yeibo and Akerele 2014). For Business Aircraft Operators Association Website. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. LEVELS OF STYLISTIC ANALYSIS By JULIUS PAULO ESQUIJO FLORES BSED ENGLISH 3-A 2. (Discourse medium), How many participants are there in text participation (monologue or dialogue), Which specific act are the users engaged in? The deployment of language by a writer creates a distinct style through which he/she reaches out to the audience. Again, although there are arising researches in the area of stylistics, none of these has dwelt on a linguistic stylistic study of Joe Ushies poetry. Introduction This research employed stylistics as the tool to analyze the poems. i&^,X_\g p})gqx 2M+s58F {K8`vs-lnz6nw07+UVruNst]uFX Y~O:h dA}}pag$V9l]\ua^;#LIp@o_;B/Op _Q3$N .Xu@}jB:;}ui!L8 3>`a%H4FR2[SrT=^:IZT?l^*68{1i 4w0UY3zDar1L `5 ]#wI'j0c-rg{ Lexicon in advertisements is special in that some words are shortened in a readable way to allure the public. This study is limited to graphological level of linguistic stylistic analysis, for two obvious reasons: firstly, the research did not consider the other levels, for avoidance of deficiency and awkwardness, having studied six poetry collections; secondly, the research is not on General Stylistics which analyses nonliterary variety of language or registers. Eg. (Province), What social relationship exists between the users (status), Is there a specific format that is being used (Modality), Was the user deliberately manipulating certain features in the language use (Similarity). Put simply, Graphology is the study of language in print. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. The second however, is the analysis of a literary text via both means provided by linguistic or literary studies. In poetry, metre (meter in American spelling) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse. Onomatopoeic, PRAGMATIC FEATURES Degree in English. Whereas linguistic stylistics begins and concludes its analysis and synthesis from the literary text itself, rigorously examining how a special configuration of language has been used in the realization of a particular subject matter, quantifying all the linguistic means (including imagery) that coalesced to achieve a special aesthetic purpose; literary criticism does not suffer that restriction to the work of art under analysis. 2) To examine the extent to which the identified patterns of graphology are signifiers of meaning? 9 is given the fact that stylistics relies on tangible linguistic evidence to unfold the writers 10 meaning or the communicative purposes of an author. a study that relies heavily on the rules guiding the operation of the language in the explication of a literary text) is what we regard here as linguistic stylistics (2010:36). 4.3.5 Hill Songs (2000) Short and Candlin (1989 . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Linguistic Stylistics The stylistic features, they go on to discuss, are not exclusive to one genre but are techniques that can be applied equally to non-literary texts. 8 Burn Road #13-14 Trivex resources as they are used in a given Pedagogical stylistics emphasizes that the process of improving students linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action; that is, upon the mental processing which is such as proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic function within quite specific social and cultural contexts. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The use of language is one of the most distinctive characteristics of the human species. The use of the word may be unfamiliar. Stress, intonation, contractors and Stylistics in this research aims to show the language features used in the poem Mending Wall and find out how those features used to reveal the The primary focus here is foregrounding. Style can also be know as the various ways of saying something, Language variation varies depending on the status and social situation, Variation can also be brought about by degree of formality. sentence, sub sentence, For the appreciative raptures of the impressionistic critic, stylisticians purport to substitute precise and rigorous linguistic descriptions, and to proceed from those descriptions to interpretations for which they claim a measure of objectivity.
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